Thursday, May 21, 2015
Risk to Darebin democracy: Mayor sits tight - councillors walk
At Council on Monday 18 May, four Darebin councillors walked from the chamber after repeated attempts to obtain clarity from Mayor Tsitas as to whether he had complied with a confidential council resolution dated 15 December 2014, pertaining to the re-appointment of the CEO, Rasiah Dev. His failure to confirm led the four councillors to conclude that decisions subsequently made made by council could be open to legal dispute.
The Herald-Sun covers the story here:
Councillors walk over possible local government breach.
Council meetings are now video recorded. To get a taste of how the Mayor conducts council meetings go to:
Select the 'Archive' tab. Council meeting 18 May reveals some interesting mayoral tactics. Public gallery comments can also be heard, something that displeases the mayor to the point that he threatens on several occasions to clear the gallery.