Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Rucker Ward

These are the Rucker Ward candidates who responded to a Darebin Community Network questionnaire. All these candidates promised not to accept campaign donations from property developers or gaming interests, directly or via intermediaries in this council election. Click on their names to see their responses in full. Their names are in alphabetical order.
Bryony Edwards - Independent -Save the Planet
Tom Hannan - Greens supported
Liz Landray - ALP supported
Kim Le Cerf - Greens lead candidate
John MacIsaac - Liberal party member, not endorsed (late return)
Trent McCarthy - Greens lead candidate
Nick McCubbin - ALP linked (late return)
David Redfearn - ALP supported
Susan Rennie - Independent
Ash Verma  - ALP supported (late return)

Eight of these candidates also completed a Darebin Climate Action Now questionnaire and all of these supported strong action on the climate emergency. Click on the links below to see their responses. 

Bryony Edwards - Independent -Save the Planet
Tom Hannan - Greens supported
Liz Landray - ALP supported
Kim Le Cerf - Greens lead candidate
Trent McCarthy - Greens lead candidate
Nick McCubbin - ALP linked independent (late return)
David Redfearn - ALP supported
Susan Rennie - Independent